Airdrop — Speed up your Laravel deployments by skipping asset compilation.

File Trigger

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The File Trigger keeps track of specific files and instructs Airdrop to rebuild assets when any of them change.


* Trigger a rebuild when files change.
FileTrigger::class => [
* Files or folders that should be included.
'include' => [
// By default we include every file in your resource path. Usually
// this makes the most sense and doesn't need to be changed.
// Any time the webpack.mix.js file is changed, it could affect the
// the build steps, and therefore the built files.
// Depending on your package manager, you'll want to uncomment one
// of the following lines. Whenever JS packages are updated or
// removed, the assets will need to be rebuilt.
// base_path('yarn.lock'),
// base_path('package-lock.json'),
// If you use NVM to manage your node versions, you'll want to
// rebuild your assets anytime the node version changes.
// base_path('.nvmrc'),
// If you use Tailwind, uncomment the following line. Changing your
// Tailwind config will change the CSS files that are generated.
// base_path('tailwind.config.js'),
* Files or folders that should be excluded or ignored.
'exclude' => [

Including & Excluding

The File Trigger allows both an include and exclude key, so if you want to include a whole directory and exclude a particular file, you can do that:


FileTrigger::class => [
'include' => [
'exclude' => [
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Asset Package Managers

If you're using NPM to manage your frontend packages, you'll want to include package-lock.json so that whenever you add, remove, or upgrade packages then Airdrop will rebuild your assets.


FileTrigger::class => [
'include' => [

In the same way, if you're using Yarn, add yarn.lock.


FileTrigger::class => [
'include' => [

Tailwind CSS

If you're using Tailwind CSS, make sure you include that as well, as any changes to the Tailwind config will affect the resulting assets.


FileTrigger::class => [
'include' => [