Airdrop — Speed up your Laravel deployments by skipping asset compilation.

Filesystem Driver

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The Filesystem Driver is the default driver that we ship with. It stores all of your built assets as a .zip on a filesystem of your choosing.


If you'd like to change the configuration, you can do so in airdrop.php.


'drivers' => [
'default' => [
// The class responsible for implementing the stash and restore
// logic. Must extend BaseDriver.
'class' => FilesystemDriver::class,
// The disk on which to store the built files.
'disk' => env('AIRDROP_REMOTE_DISK', 's3'),
// The folder (if any) where you'd like your stashed assets to reside.
'remote_directory' => env('AIRDROP_REMOTE_DIR', 'airdrop'),
// A writeable directory on the machine that builds the assets.
// Used to build up the ZIP file before stashing it.
'local_tmp_directory' => env('AIRDROP_LOCAL_TMP_DIR', storage_path('framework')),
// The skip file is an empty file that will be created to
// indicate that asset building can be skipped.
'skip_file' => env('AIRDROP_SKIP_FILE', base_path('.airdrop_skip')),

disk controls which disk your built files are stored on.

remote_directory allows you to place all of your built assets in a subdirectory on your remote disk, to avoid cluttering up the root directory.

local_tmp_directory is a place that Airdrop can use to create the .zip file before it is uploaded. Airdrop will clean up after itself, so nothing will be left behind once it's done.

skip_file is the file we referenced in the deploying section. It's used as a signal to other processes that the built files have been successfully restored, and they do not need to be built again.