Airdrop — Speed up your Laravel deployments by skipping asset compilation.

Building A Custom Driver

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If the Filesystem Driver isn't quite right for you, you can build your own quite easily.

Your custom driver must extend the Hammerstone BaseDriver.


use Hammerstone\Airdrop\Drivers\BaseDriver;
class CustomDriver extends BaseDriver
* Called after building, to stash the files somewhere.
public function upload()
// @TODO
* Called before building files, to see if we can skip that
* altogether and just download them.
public function download()
// @TODO

The current hash will be available as a class property $hash, and the config for your driver will be available as $config.

Enabling Your Custom Driver

To enable your driver, you'll need to add it to the drivers array in airdrop.php.


'drivers' => [
'custom' => [
// Use our new custom class as the driver.
'class' => CustomDriver::class,
// Pass in any configuration you want.
'key' => 'value'
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