Sidecar — Deploy and execute AWS Lambda functions from your Laravel application.

Configuring Sidecar

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After running php artisan sidecar:install, you should have a sidecar.php file in your config folder.

There are several configuration options in that file, which we'll cover in this section.

AWS Credentials

Sidecar requires a few very specific things be set up in your AWS in order to have the proper permissions to deploy and execute your functions.

In order to save you from the frustration of using AWS IAM we have written a single, interactive command that can handle everything for you.

To get started, run the following command:

php artisan sidecar:configure

The first thing it will do is guide you through creating a new AWS user in the web interface, which it will then use to create everything else it needs.

Note that this won't start any services, it just creates some policies in IAM.

This is the same general method that Laravel Vapor uses: you provide it with Admin Access and then it configures itself. Sidecar takes it a step further and provides you the option to self-destruct the admin keys once it has configured itself.

If you'd like to manually set everything up, take a look at the command to see exactly what it's doing, and you can recreate it in the IAM portal.

Registering Functions

Each function that you make will need to be registered in the functions key of your sidecar.php


return [
* All of your function classes that you'd like to deploy go here.
'functions' => [
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Application name

The name of the application will be used to generate the function name, if not provided, it will default to the value of APP_NAME environment variable.

return [
* The name of the application. This value will be used to name the functions
* when deploying. It defaults to the Laravel application's name.
'app_name' => env('SIDECAR_APP_NAME', env('APP_NAME')),

Function Timeout & Memory

The timeout and memory can be customized on a per-function basis, but if they aren't, the defaults from your sidecar.php file will be used.


return [
* The default timeout for your functions, in seconds.
* This can be overridden per function.
'timeout' => env('SIDECAR_TIMEOUT', 300),
* The default memory for your functions, in megabytes.
* This can be overridden per function.
'memory' => env('SIDECAR_MEMORY', 512),

Function Storage

The ephemeral storage can also be customized, and again, if it isn't, the default from your sidecar.php file will be used.


return [
* The default ephemeral storage for your functions, in megabytes.
* This can be overridden per function.
'storage' => env('SIDECAR_STORAGE', 512),

Package Base Path

By default, all of your Lambda resources are going to be relative to the base_path() of your application. That means when you're defining your code packages, you'll use the root of your application as the starting point.

If all of your Lambda code lives in e.g. resources/lambda, then you can update your package_base_path to reflect that.


return [
* The base path for your package files. If you e.g. keep
* all your Lambda package files in your resource path,
* you may change the base path here.
'package_base_path' => env('SIDECAR_PACKAGE_BASE_PATH', base_path()),

This is also configurable on a per-function basis. To learn more about that, see the Handlers & Packages section.


Sidecar separates functions by environment so that your development, staging, and production functions do not overwrite each other.

By default, the environment name that Sidecar uses is your APP_ENV from your .env file. This usually works great for staging and production, but if you are working on a team, you'll have multiple people using an environment named local, potentially interfering with one another.

If you'd like to use something other than the APP_ENV, you can do so by providing a SIDECAR_ENV environment variable.


return [
* Sidecar separates functions by environment. If you'd like to change
* your Sidecar environment without changing your entire application
* environment, you may do so here.
'env' => env('SIDECAR_ENV', env('APP_ENV')),

To learn much more about environments and how to use them, see the Environments section.