
Tired of your team asking you for data reports?

Want to give your users a way to sort and filter data seamlessly?

Refine allows you to build advanced filters in minutes, with the drop-in filter builder for Ruby on Rails.
App screenshot
Refine is powerful drop in visual query builder for your Ruby on Rails application.
It is powered by Hotwire and Stimulus and has a beautiful tailwind-based UI out of the box.
It builds performant SQL queries behind the scenes so you can trust you're providing a great user experience.

Refine for Rails
Buy now for $1000
Query-based features don’t have to be painful
You could either spend months creating these features from scratch…or you can create them instantly using Refine for only $1k/year.

Out of the box conditions

Refine gives you a set of prebuilt conditions that covers most use cases:

  • Text — starts with, contains, ends with, equals; we do it all.
  • Date, datetime, and timestamps — don't worry, we handle the timezones.
  • Boolean — true/false columns, with optional support for nulls.
  • Numeric — greater, less, equal, between; everything you'd expect.
  • Option — pick one or more from a defined set.

All of these can be combined with and/or groupings. And if those don't meet your needs, you can add your own custom conditions!

Oh did we mention we handle querying attributes on related models?

I work for a real estate company, and our users need to precisely sort and filter data. Our custom solution was buggy and had trouble with querying complicated relationships. Refine is just what we need!

Colleen Schnettler
Developer and Rails Consultant

Already user-proofed queries

As with everything, there are a hundred ways people can add in nonsense requests.

With Refine you can rest easy knowing that we have already caught them all.

Whether it’s mixing up the start and end date, selecting conflicting clauses, leaving out a required field, you can build your new feature knowing that Refine automatically validates every request.

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